Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Bake Sale

A tempting assortment of baked goods at the Memorial Day Weekend Bake Sale last May.

The Friends of the Heath Free Public Library will be holding its annual Columbus Day Weekend Bake Sale on the front porch of Sawyer Hall on Saturday, October 11, from 10:00 to noon.

This is one of the primary fund raisers for the Friends of the Heath Free Public Library. We need donated baked goods, sweet or savory. They can be delivered Saturday morning, October 11, to Sawyer Hall.

Coffee and a scone to start your day?

We need bakers and eaters/buyers to make this fund raiser a success! All baked goods are sold for a donation of "Whatever your library is worth to you". Please consider baking or buying to help support YOUR LIBRARY.

Thanks for your support,

Rol Hesselbart
Rol welcomes visitors to the Heath Fair Book Sale tent, August 2014.